As a business owner, you will have invested a lot of money in your rugs and carpets. This being the case, you should have the necessary measures put in place to ensure your carpets are maintained to the highest level possible. Maintenance of carpets basically revolves around cleaning. Although some fine rugs and carpets have a built-in anti-stain treatment that helps guard against stains such as spills, it is crucial that you take care of stains, spills and any other forms of dirt that may be on your carpet. If you have your office in Singapore, you should have knowledge on the times you should have your carpet cleaned.
The first time you should hire a carpet cleaning service is when you are doing general cleaning of your office. In most cases, offices in Singapore have to be cleaned thoroughly at least three times a year. During the cleaning, cleaners will clean the walls, ceiling and other areas of your office. As a result, there will be a lot of dirt which will end up on your carpet. Once the cleaners have finished cleaning the office, you should be ready to have your carpet cleaned.
Secondly, a carpet cleaning service should be hired when you are planning to do some renovations on your office. For example, you may decide to change the color of your interior of your office. In this case it is quite easy to have paint stains on your carpet. After the renovations have been completed, you should immediately hire a professional carpet cleaning service to remove the stains.
In some cases, you find that you will have a lot of clients coming to your office. This may be a result of certain conditions that have given you the chance to deal with a large number of clients. Such customers will mean a lot of dirt on you carpet. After such an influx of clients, you should have your carpet cleaned as it will be very dirty.
At some point, you may have a function in your office. A function means many people will be walking in and out of the office. This walking in and out will result with your carpet getting dirty very quickly. When such a function is over, you should hire a carpet cleaning service.
Lastly, you should have your carpet cleaned even when you do not have any of the above mentioned scenarios. An office carpet should be cleaned at least three times a year with the best frequency being quarterly. Even if you do not have people walking in and out of your office, dust accumulates with time. Additionally, you may accidentally spill tea or coffee. This means that within three months, the amount of dust on your carpet will be very high. Hiring a carpet cleaning service after every three months is recommended.
Singapore carpet cleaners are very professional. They also have the necessary know-how to ensure your carpet is properly cleaned and well maintained. The best answer to how often you should have your carpet cleaned is as often as possible. The more frequent you clean your carpet, the cleaner it will stay and the longer it will last.