How To Choose Products for Cleaning, Sanitizing & Disinfecting? In these seasons viral diseases, it is more than relevant to take care of cleanliness around yourself. This applies not only to the premises, but also to air, clothing, and body. After all, we are the carriers of bacilli. A crowd of people on the streets, transport, office or even an in the elevator, can be the result of at least a week’s sick leave. But what if the source of infection is already in your apartment? How do you get safer products for cleaning?
Cleaning is simply removing dirt from the surface. It can be anything: from the remnants of food and fat to dust. Cleaning is the first step in any hygiene cleaning procedure. Disinfecting is cleaning using special tools that are designed to reduce the number of microorganisms on the surface being cleaned.
Cleaning steps should always be preceded by disinfecting and sanitizing. Food contaminants remaining on a poorly cleaned surface are sources and foci of growth of microorganisms. A good hygienic condition is achieved by thorough cleaning of all surfaces and equipment, followed by disinfection then sanitizing. It is known that with a thorough cleaning, up to 90% of microorganisms are removed from the surface. On an unwashed surface, the remains of contaminants reduce the effectiveness of the disinfectant. Due to the effect of the chemical reaction of the organic substance.
Sometimes cleaning chemicals contain such unpronounceable components, which are not safe. Therefore, when choosing safer products for cleaning, first of all, look at the composition. Ideally, they should contain only natural ingredients.
Many health problems that can be provoked by improperly selected chemicals. From an allergic reaction to irritation of the respiratory tract. Moreover, most detergents are dangerous not only during the period of direct use but also after. Many of them are not washed off by water but remain on dishes, clothes, or on different surfaces.
When choosing detergents, give preference to compositions with a neutral smell, free of toxins and allergens. Look for a product that has natural ingredients enhanced with active ingredients. They make cleaning not only safe but also quick. For example, it is enough to spray in your kitchen. Wait a couple of minutes, and the dirt will leave without much effort.
Pay attention also to the presence of antibacterial substances in cleaning products. These antibacterial substances help to fight microbes, fungi, and unpleasant odors. This is especially important when cleaning the refrigerator and surfaces in the toilets.
The cleaning product must be eco-friendly. This will help in ensuring that you are safe while cleaning your premises. Besides, the product should not pollute the environment
Regular cleaning with properly selected cleaning disinfectants will help you successfully protect your house from bacteria. When cleaning, pay particular attention to constantly used places. For example, door handles, taps, etc.
On the floors, first, vacuum or rinse off the dust and accumulated dirt. Then thoroughly wipe the floor using a suitable floor disinfectant. Also, clean dining tables, coffee tables, tables for games, bedside tables, and so on. These are places we often touch. But during cleaning, we do not always pay close attention to them. So they can quickly become microbial reproduction hot spots. Regular cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing can help prevent the development of pathogens in these areas.
When choosing a safer product for cleaning, sanitizing disinfecting homes and premises, do not rush to buy the most advertised products. First of all, you need to figure out what is hidden in its composition, and whether it is eco-friendly. It’s important to remember that your health is at stake! Therefore, the more thoroughly you approach the issue of choosing a safe product, the more you will protect yourself and others from potential negative consequences.