Each year between May and October, a deep haze hangs over Malaysia, Singapore and the rest of Southeast Asia. It affects the air quality and health. According to a report posted by a 2006 World Health Organization, it was confirmed that the haze effects are more apparent among urban kids, the elderly and individuals with pre-existing respiratory issues. Haze is well known to aggravate the ENT (ear, nose and throat) section together with the eyes and airways. Your little ones may feel a bit uncomfortable and begin to show symptoms like dry cough, runny nose, sneezing, eye irritation and skin irritation. Prolonged exposure to these pollutants will also cause your kids to experience excessive breathing of the harmful micro particles. It is these small particles that accumulate in the lungs for a long time, which later leads to bacterial and viral infections, lung and heart diseases. As such, it is very important for you to protect your kids from the haze.
The following are ways through which you cna protect your kids:
– Stay indoors as much as possible:
The best thing you can do to shield your kids from haze is to keep them indoors always. Have all your windows and doors shut, most especially when the PSI is high. PSI is an index developed by an organization known as USEPA to give daily levels of air pollution. It stands for Pollutant Standards Index. Turn on your fan or AC for better air circulation. If you don’t have an air purifier, you can place a damp cloth at the doorstep to prevent the haze from entering your house.
– Breastfeed your little one:
If you have a baby who’s breastfeeding, do this to protect his or her health from the pollutants. As long as they are breastfeeding, they are assured of antibodies and your natural immunities. Babies who breastfeed regularly have milder signs when it comes to common ailments like flu and colds.
– Avoid smoking:
Ensure that your kids are as far away as possible from cigarette smoking. If you or your spouse are smokers, try and minimize or look for somewhere private and enclosed to smoke.
– When the PSI exceeds 150 or if your kids are exposed to outside air, make sure they are fitted with masks:
Masks certified with grade N95 are recommended to keep out any fine particulate matter. However, these types of masks can only be used by older children or yourself. Little kids must only abide with the indoor rule. Ensure to change the masks when they become distorted or soiled too.
– Keep your kids hydrated all the time:
Drinking lots of water will absolutely help their throats. This is because haze causes dryness of the throat and skin. Additionally, much water helps the kidney to wash out any toxins immersed through the skin and lungs. For drying of skin, you can use skin lotion if need be.
– Build up their immunity with vegetables and fruits:
Fruits rich in Vitamin C such as guavas, oranges and strawberries are best recommended. You can also take fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin D and E. Nuts and seeds are great examples. Ensure that you wash the vegetables and fruits properly to get rid of any dust or dirt before cooking and consumption.
– Practice good hygiene:
Make certain that everyone cleans their hands and faces, especially upon coming indoors. You may also consider changing your baby’s clothes or give them a bath. In addition to practicing good hygiene, refrain from any physically exhausting exercise.
– Keep your spirits up always:
Sticking indoors for kids is dampening and looking up at the smog is not exactly fun either. Thus, it is good to have your time occupied with fun activities around the house. Try watching some TV, do activity books, play fun games and many interesting things.
In conclusion
Generally, the best way to keep healthy is to stay affirmative and look forward. It is all about checking your welfare and putting measures that will curb anything that tends to lead you astray. Always keep in mind that it is better to prevent than to cure, hence following the right tips is important to keep your kids from haze. If you ever notice any unusual symptom in your kids, ensure to consult medical advice from your doctor in Singapore. You can also visit your doctor to have some check ups.