Simple Roman Blinds Cleaning Techniques
Roman blinds do not require high maintenance but keeping it clean and shiny is of utmost importance. As soon as you notice dust or any other types of stains on it, make sure that you opt for treatment immediately to keep your window shiny and clean.
Cleaning your roman blinds can also help prolong its life but when doing so, make sure that you follow the right technique, which is determined by the type of fabric on the blinds. To keep your blinds clean and restore its original look, here are a few cleaning tips to help you out:
Dusting Off
Dusting your blinds occasionally is necessary to prevent the accumulation of too much dust on the fabric. Remember that the less often you clean your blinds, the higher amount of dirt is gathered on its surface and you might find it hard to remove over time.
When dusting your blinds, you can use a feather duster for wiping the operating mechanism and the handrail or use a vacuum cleaner to deal with the rest of the upholstery. Sweep the surface gently to make sure that all parts of your blinds are cleaned properly.
Steam and Dry Cleaning
In case you are not certain whether you can clean your blinds on your own or not, it would be best to hire the services of a dry cleaner instead. Remember that some blinds come with really sensitive fabrics and working with them on your own could only make things worse or you might end up damaging the fabric. To avoid this, look for a reputable dry cleaner near you and have them do the job, as they are already experienced when dealing with sensitive fabrics.
Removing stains using Mild Detergents
Before you start with this cleaning technique, do not forget to determine whether the fabric is washable or not. For this, you can look into the specifications of the manufacturer. If the material is labeled as (P), the best thing you can do is to hire a dry cleaner for the removal of the stain.
If not, you can work on your roman blinds on your own. When doing this, use a white cloth to avoid unwanted mixing of colors or use an extra mild detergent for the removal of the stain. Get a damp cloth, put some detergent on it and then apply it onto the stain. Wait for several minutes before wiping it off again using a wet cloth.
If you are tight on your budget or dry cleaners are far from your area, you can also opt for the steam cleaning technique. Of course, you will need a steamer for this and before you get started you will need to take down your blinds to work on it easily.
The removal of the blinds is not that hard as the fabric is attached to the rail with Velcro. Place the fabric over the table or find another flat surface before working on it to make sure that you do not miss a spot. When you are done, let the fabric dry up before reattaching it back to the headrail.
If you are busy and looking for professional curtain, blinds cleaning company, you may consider @bsolute Solutions Pte Ltd. Call: 6844 8444.