Which is best window type? Sliding windows or casement windows? It can be said that both types offer some unique advantages and comparing the merits and demerits of these two types will help you to answer this question in the best possible manner. Several aspects like safety, ventilation, energy efficiency, aesthetic appeal and cost will have to be taken into consideration before arriving at a conclusion and it is always advisable to conduct some research to make you familiarize with the unique features of sliding windows and casement windows.
Which type offers more safety?
A good number of people often get confused while making a decision about safety. Various people have come up with different answers and some people are of the opinion that sliding windows can be pry opened with great ease by lifting up the movable part. But the fact of the matter is that casements windows can also opened easily if they are not latched. It can be said that any particular type does not offer superior safety features and the same amount of safety level can be applied to both these types.
What about the ventilation?
As far as ventilation is concerned, casement windows can be described as superior. During fine weather in Singapore, you would love to open your windows to allow nice and fresh air to come in and casement windows can be opened fully to allow the free passage of air. It is mainly because of the structure of the window frame and in the case of sliding windows, you will be able to open only half of the window because the other half is stationary. When you compare these two types proper ventilation will become a reality with casement windows.
Which type is more aesthetically appealing?
Both types come in different styles and designs and it depends on the discretion of the individual to select the most beautiful one. Various aspects like structure of the building and climate should be taken into consideration before taking any decision and the windows should go in complete harmony with the total ambiance. When you adopt such a method of approach you will be able to select the most aesthetically appealing windows from these two categories.
Which is more energy efficient?
Energy efficiency assumes great significance when you select the best window and it can be said without any doubt that energy efficient windows will help you to lower the utility bills. As a resultant factor, you will be able to save a lot of money in the long run. Sliding windows fall short in comparison with casement windows as far as energy efficiency is concerned and it is mainly because of the fact that when you open the sliding windows the seal around the window will move a bit to ensure smooth sliding. Such a situation will definitely affect energy efficiency in an adverse manner.
Which window type is expensive?
Slider windows are less expensive and the cost of casement windows will always be on the higher side.
Before making any decision in favor of a particular type, you should consider the setting in which they are used and both these types have their own merits and demerits. When you consider all these aspects it can be said that though casement windows are a bit expensive they offer more benefits for you in comparison with sliding windows.