Why Should You Be Cautious When Aircon Is Blowing Directly On You? Although the purpose of ventilation is to keep your home cool, this may only sometimes be safe. Allowing an air conditioner or a fan to blow on you could provide discomfort, injury, or even death. So, following some precautions and general safety tips is essential before turning an AC unit on in your home.
Here are ten reasons why you should always be cautious when letting the Aircon blow directly on you. Read on to learn more!
It could hurt your throat if the air stream becomes too strong. If you can’t breathe, please turn off the AC immediately. It’s best to use a face mask or shield to avoid breathing in any of the air. And instead, stick to a safer small stream of air from a fan.
Because air conditioners create negative pressure, they draw in more particles than average in indoor environments like homes and office buildings. If this happens at night, more particles will be pulled in. This is because of the lack of windows and doors that usually keep out more extensive particle matter during the day hours.
The air pressure will push down on your chest. This way, you cannot breathe as profoundly so that you can take in a smaller amount of air. The issue is that this could be harmful and cause problems, especially for people with asthma. If you have asthma or another condition that has made you have to have inhaled medications, it is vital to avoid having the air conditioner blast your face and lungs with air particles.
The AC will make your skin drier, making you have cracked lips. The negative pressure that the AC creates sucks the moisture out of the air. So it can cause your skin to be drier. The best way to prevent this is to moisturize a lot before turning on the AC and moisturize throughout the day. This will keep your skin from getting as dry.
When the air around you becomes less humid, the AC creates a vacuum that draws in more water vapor. This can cause you to get nosebleeds and stuffy noses. It would be best if you kept tabs on how dry it is in the rooms throughout your home. If it is too dry, use an air humidifier in the rooms where AC is used. Remember to check the humidity levels in your rooms to ensure they are in a safe range!
Exposure to prolonged AC blowing can cause wrinkles on your skin. This can make you look older than you are, just from the effect of these negative ions that damage skin cells in your face area. It is essential to keep this in mind if you allow your AC to fall in your direction for a long time.
Most doctors will tell you that cold air causes the body to release more heat. Thus making people more susceptible to getting colds and other infections because of this buildup of moisture within the body.
Cold air causes the pores in your skin to become more open, allowing more particles to enter the skin. This is especially true if you are allergic to dust and other allergens that cause skin rashes. So if you have an issue with this, try to avoid letting the AC blow in your direction.
Cold air is not great for people with asthma and other conditions aggravated by air blowing against their face and lungs. This makes a constant stream of negative ions from being inhaled.
If you are using an AC unit lying down in a room, you can be blown with air that feels too cold. This cold air could be responsible for making you feel tired or weak. It would be best if you sat up when having an AC unit blowing on you to avoid this from happening.
When an air conditioner blows in your direction, the air pressure change can cause some bacteria in your body to become more active. If you are having problems with ear infections, try to have the unit blow in the direction of less traffic, and it is possible to turn it off for brief periods.
Your lungs are known as your body’s filter. Allowing an air conditioner to blow in your general direction for long periods can cause dryness and irritation to your lungs. This may lead to wheezing or coughing. The best way to avoid this is not to let an AC unit blow into your direction and to use the air filter in your home if one is available.
When you have an AC unit in your home or office, it is important to show consideration for others by not having the air conditioner blow in the wrong direction. Some people may be more sensitive to these negative ions and pollutants, so it is vital to be considerate of that. If you are going to have the AC run for more extended periods, then it is best to keep adjusting the unit’s position so that it does not blow in your general direction.